- 詳細
- 投稿者: Super User
- カテゴリ: SACLA
- 参照数: 2947
About the equipment
Hard -Ray
SFX Crystal Structure Analysis
CDI Single Particle Structure Analysis
X-Ray Diffraction (Ultrafast Material Science)
X-Ray Spectrometry (Ultrafast Chemistry)
Nanobeam X-ray Nonlinear Optics
High-power nanosecond laser (Ultra High-Pressure Science)
500TW Laser High Energy Density Science
User Provided Equipment (BL2 & 3)
Soft X-Ray
Submicron Beam (Microscopic Observation / Nonlinear Optics)
- 詳細
- 投稿者: Super User
- カテゴリ: SACLA
- 参照数: 2418
軟X線FELを集光することにより、単位時間・単位面積あたりの光エネルギーを激増させ、他の光源では実現不可能なほど高強度な軟X線光電場を形成することが可能です。SACLA BL1ではKBミラーによる集光により、5マイクロメートル程度(半値全幅)の軟X線ビームが実験に利用されてきましが、軟X線利用実験の高度化のためには、新たな集光システムによるビームサイズのさらなる微小化が必要とされていました。
※この装置は、SACLA基盤開発プログラムの課題(代表者:東京大学 三村秀和准教授)として開発されています。
H. Motoyama et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 26, 1406 (2019).
光子エネルギーが100 eVの時、典型的な集光サイズは半値全幅で500 nm(鉛直方向)× 550 nm(水平方向)となります。この時、軟X線の集光強度は1×1016 W/cm2以上に到達します。
軟X線500 nm集光システム
典型的な集光サイズ(ナイフエッジスキャン法による計測、100 eV)
汎用チャンバーは開発中です。現時点ではプロトタイプの真空チャンバーがご利用いただけます。プロトタイプ版のサンプルホルダーはピエゾ駆動で、ホルダーおよび試料の総重量は150 gまでとなっております。
光子エネルギー(基本波) | 40-150 eV |
パルスエネルギー | ~80 uJ |
エネルギー幅(ΔE/E) | ~3% |
繰り返しレート | 60 Hz |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
Optical parameters (KB mirrors) | Vertical | Horizontal |
Surface coating | Carbon | Carbon |
Substrate size | 600 × 50 × 50 mm | 600 × 50 × 50 mm |
Glancing angle | 1.5 deg | 1.5 deg |
Focal length | 2.00 m | 2.65 m |
Distance from source | 85 m | 85 m |
Spatial acceptance | 15.1 mm | 15.1 mm |
Typical focal size @100eV | ~5 µm FWHM | ~5 µm FWHM |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
基本波 | 2倍波 | 3倍波 | 4倍波 | |
Wavelength | 800 nm | 400 nm | 267 nm | 200 nm |
Pulse Energy (Max.) | ~12 mJ | ~0.5 mJ | ~0.2 mJ | ~0.02 mJ |
Pulse Duration | ~40 fs | ~30 fs | ~50 fs | |
Rep. Rate | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz |
上記に加え、光パラメトリック増幅器(OPA: Optical Parametric Amplifier)からの光を利用可能です。使用可能な波長域は0.25-2.6 µmで、下図のようにパルスエネルギーは波長に依存します。
Submicron Beam (Microscopic Observation / Nonlinear Optics)
By focusing soft X-ray FEL, it is possible to dramatically increase the light energy per unit time and area, and a high-intensity soft X-ray photoelectric field can be formed that cannot be realized with other light sources. At SACLA BL1, a soft X-ray beam of approximately 5 micrometers (full width at half maximum) has been used for experiments by focusing with a KB mirror. In order to advance soft X-ray experiments, new focusing systems and further reductions in micro sized beams are required.
Therefore, SACLA is working on the development of a focusing system for soft X-ray FEL in the nano region through joint research with the University of Tokyo.
※This equipment is being developed as a challenge for the SACLA Basic Development Program (representative: Hidekazu Mimura, associate professor, The University of Tokyo).
H. Motoyama et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 26, 1406 (2019).
Focusing Equipment
A two-stage focusing system using a spheroid mirror designed by utilizing the focusing point of a KB mirror installed in the beamline as a virtual light source is used. The materials used for the spheroid mirror is nickel, but copper can be used for measurements that require non-magnetic materials.
When the photon energy is 100 eV, the typical focusing size is 500 nm (vertical) × 550 nm (horizontal) at full width half maximum. At this time, the light focusing intensity of soft X-rays reaches 1×1016 W/cm2or more.
Soft X-ray 500 nm focusing system
Typical light focusing size (measured by the knife-edge scan method, 100 eV)
About the Sample Arrangement
A general-purpose chamber is under development. A prototype vacuum chamber is available at this time. A prototype sample holder is in place which is piezo driven and has a total weight of up to 150 g.
The chamber under development will be driven by a stepper motor.
Operating Parameters (EH4@BL1)
XFEL Parameters
Photon energy (fundamental wave) | 40-150 eV |
Pulse energy | ~80 uJ |
Energy width(ΔE/E) | ~3% |
Repetition rate | 60 Hz |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
X-ray focusing characteristics
Optical parameters (KB mirrors) | Vertical | Horizontal |
Surface coating | Carbon | Carbon |
Substrate size | 600 × 50 × 50 mm | 600 × 50 × 50 mm |
Glancing angle | 1.5 deg | 1.5 deg |
Focal length | 2.00 m | 2.65 m |
Distance from source | 85 m | 85 m |
Spatial acceptance | 15.1 mm | 15.1 mm |
Typical focal size @100eV | ~5 µm FWHM | ~5 µm FWHM |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
Optical laser characteristics
Fundamental wave | 2nd Order Harmonic | 3rd Order Harmonic | 4th Order Harmonic | |
Wavelength | 800 nm | 400 nm | 267 nm | 200 nm |
Pulse Energy (Max.) | ~12 mJ | ~0.5 mJ | ~0.2 mJ | ~0.02 mJ |
Pulse Duration | ~40 fs | ~30 fs | ~50 fs | |
Rep. Rate | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz |
In addition to the above, light from the Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) is available. The available wavelength range is 0.25-2.6 µm, and the pulse energy depends on the wavelength shown in the figure below.
Related results
Press release
Papers published
- 詳細
- 投稿者: Super User
- カテゴリ: SACLA
- 参照数: 2314
・ビームラインへの接続に必要な真空度は、1 × 10-4 Pa以下です。
・FEL光軸の床面からの高さは約1250 nmです。持ち込み装置を設置可能な領域については図面をご参照ください。
・施設で準備した可視光CCDカメラ(IMPERX, OPAL)の画像データ、およびフォトダイオードやマイクロチャンネルプレートの信号強度などの数値データ以外は、SACLAのデータサーバーは対応しておりません。
・極紫外自由電子レーザーによる非線形内殻二重空孔状態の観測に成功 ~新たな局所化学分析法の実現への基盤技術~
・世界最短波長「超蛍光」の観測 -新たなコヒーレント光源の開発に 向けて-
・極端紫外線レーザーにより熱影響が極めて少ない材料加工を実現 -レーザー加工メカニズムの解明や最適加工の実現に期待-
User Provided Equipment (BL1)
In atomic, molecular and optical science (AMO) experiments, it is assumed that the devices provided by the user will be used for experiments at SACLA. Please note the following points when bringing in equipment.
・The degree of vacuum required for connection to the beamline is 1 × 10-4 Pa or less.
・he height of the FEL optical axis from the floor is approximately 1250 nm. Please refer to the diagram for the area where the user provided equipment can be installed.
・The only aspects of the SACLA data server that are supported are the visible light CCD camera (IMPERX, OPAL) imaging data prepared at the facility and the numerical data, such as signal strength of the photodiodes and the microchannel plates.
・Since the tag number (pulse ID) is distributed as a cell signal or a parallel signal, it is possible to match the data measured by the user provided detector with the FEL intensity and timing monitor.
Related Results
Press release
What to check before applying for an assignment
If you are planning an experiment using user provided equipment, please be sure to contact the このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 before applying for an assignment for information on availability of the equipment.
- 詳細
- 投稿者: Super User
- カテゴリ: SACLA
- 参照数: 2871
※この装置は、SACLA基盤開発プログラムの課題(代表者:東京大学 松田巌准教授)として開発されました。
時間分解能:<70 fs
温度:15K ~ 室温
外部磁場:-0.3 T ~ 0.3 T
光子エネルギー(基本波) | 40-150 eV |
パルスエネルギー | ~80 uJ |
エネルギー幅(ΔE/E) | ~3% |
繰り返しレート | 60 Hz |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
Optical parameters (KB mirrors) | Vertical | Horizontal |
Surface coating | Carbon | Carbon |
Substrate size | 600 × 50 × 50 mm | 600 × 50 × 50 mm |
Glancing angle | 1.5 deg | 1.5 deg |
Focal length | 2.00 m | 2.65 m |
Distance from source | 85 m | 85 m |
Spatial acceptance | 15.1 mm | 15.1 mm |
Typical focal size @100eV | ~5 µm FWHM | ~5 µm FWHM |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
基本波 | 2倍波 | 3倍波 | 4倍波 | |
Wavelength | 800 nm | 400 nm | 267 nm | 200 nm |
Pulse Energy (Max.) | ~12 mJ | ~0.5 mJ | ~0.2 mJ | ~0.02 mJ |
Pulse Duration | ~40 fs | ~30 fs | ~50 fs | |
Rep. Rate | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz |
上記に加え、光パラメトリック増幅器(OPA: Optical Parametric Amplifier)からの光を利用可能です。使用可能な波長域は0.25-2.6 µmで、下図のようにパルスエネルギーは波長に依存します。
- ・共用装置のセットアップ
- ・FELスペクトル、光軸調整
- ・同期レーザーの光軸調整、強度調整
- ・高速PDを使用した、FELと同期レーザーの時間合わせ(30 ps程度の精度)
- ・XFELと同期レーザーの空間合わせ
- ・XFELと同期レーザーの時間合わせ
MOKE (Spintronics)
This is the experimental equipment for material science research concerning ultrafast spintronics and opto-spintronics, and was developed in collaboration with the University of Tokyo. By combining with optical lasers, time-resolved measurements are possible. In addition, by combining with soft X-ray nano-focusing mirrors, it is possible to measure with nanometer spatial-resolution.
※his device was developed as a challenge for the SACLA Basic Development Program (Representative: Associate Professor Iwao Matsuda, University of Tokyo).
Basic Performance and Results
To observe the time-resolved resonance magneto-optic Kerr effect for Co/Pt
K. Yamamoto et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 172406 (2020).
Experimental Equipment
Time resolution: <70 fs
Temperature:15K ~ room temperature
External magnetic field: -0.3 T ~ 0.3 T
Operando measurements
Operating Parameters (EH4@BL1)
XFEL parameters
Photon energy (fundamental wave) | 40-150 eV |
Pulse energy | ~80 uJ |
Energy width(ΔE/E) | ~3% |
Repetition rate | 60 Hz |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
X-ray focusing characteristics
Optical parameters (KB mirrors) | Vertical | Horizontal |
Surface coating | Carbon | Carbon |
Substrate size | 600 × 50 × 50 mm | 600 × 50 × 50 mm |
Glancing angle | 1.5 deg | 1.5 deg |
Focal length | 2.00 m | 2.65 m |
Distance from source | 85 m | 85 m |
Spatial acceptance | 15.1 mm | 15.1 mm |
Typical focal size @100eV | ~5 µm FWHM | ~5 µm FWHM |
S. Owada et al., J. Synchrotron Rad., 25, 282 (2018).
Optical laser characteristics
Fundamental wave | 2nd Order Harmonic | 3rd Order Harmonic | 4th Order Harmonic | |
Wavelength | 800 nm | 400 nm | 267 nm | 200 nm |
Pulse Energy (Max.) | ~12 mJ | ~0.5 mJ | ~0.2 mJ | ~0.02 mJ |
Pulse Duration | ~40 fs | ~30 fs | ~50 fs | |
Rep. Rate | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz | 60 Hz |
In addition to the above, light from the Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) is also available. The available wavelength range is 0.25-2.6 µm, and the pulse energy depends on the wavelength shown in the figure below.
Adjustments before the Measurement
What the SACLA staff do:
- ・Set-up the shared equipment
- ・FEL spectrum and optical axis adjustments
- ・Synchronous laser optical axis and intensity adjustments
- ・Time adjustments of FEL and the synchronous laser using high-speed PD (with an accuracy of approximately 30 ps)
What the user does:
- ・Spatial adjustments of XFEL and the synchronous laser
- ・Time adjustments of XFEL and the synchronous laser
Related Results
Press release