放射光施設とは | 利用分野と研究例 | 歴史 | SPring-8とSACLA |
ほぼ光速で直進する電子が、その進行方向を磁石などによって変えられた際に発生する電磁波を放射光と呼びます。この現象は今から約50年前に電子シンクロトロン(電子加速器)で初めて観測されました。 放射光は、電子のエネルギーが高いほど指向性の高い明るい光となります。電子のエネルギーが高く、進む方向の変化が大きいほど、X線などの短い波長の光を含むようになります。
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物質科学: | 先端材料の原子・電子の構造解析や極端条件下での材料物性や新物質創製や材料改質 |
生命科学/医学: | タンパク質などの生命物質の立体構造解析、例えば、生命のメカニズムの研究や医薬品開発、屈折コントラスト映像法による生体試料の高解像度イメージング |
環境科学: | 環境浄化用触媒の分析や生体試料中の環境汚染微量元素の分析 |
地球科学/宇宙科学: | 地球科学/宇宙科学:地球深部物質の構造と状態解析や隕石・宇宙塵の構造解析 |
産業利用: | 産業界における材料評価やタンパク質の立体構造解析 |
What is Synchrotron Radiation (SR)?
Electrons travelling in a straight line at approximately the speed of light generate electromagnetic waves when their moving direction is changed by the magnetic fields. The generated electromagnetic waves are known as Synchrotron Radiation, first observed about 50 years ago with an electron synchrotron (Electron accelerator). The brightness of the synchrotron radiation depends on the electron energy. Higher energy electrons with larger changes in direction results in shorter wavelengths of radiation, such as X-rays.
Electrons has negative charges that create a surrounding electric field, which is nothing but a virtual photon cloud. When a trajectory of high-energy electrons are bent by a magnetic field, the surrounding virtual photons are shaken off from the trajectory and emitted as real photons. This is the mechanism of the synchrotron radiation.
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What is a Synchrotron Radiation Facility ?
A synchrotron radiation facility conducts research and experiments using synchrotron radiation generated from accelerated high-energy electron beams.
Fields of Use and Research Examples
Material science: | Analysis of atomic and electronic structures, investigation of material properties under extreme conditions, and creation of new advanced/functional materials. |
Life science / Medicine: | Three-dimensional structural analysis of life materials including proteins toward elucidation of the life mechanisms and drug development, and high-resolution imaging of biological samples by refractive contrast imaging. |
Environmental science: | Analysis of catalysts for environmental purification, and analysis of contaminated trace elements in biological samples. |
Earth Science / Astronomy: | Analysis of states and structures of deep earth materials, and structural analysis of meteorites and cosmic dust. |
Industrial use: | Evaluation of industrial materials and three-dimensional structure analysis of proteins. |
The History of Synchrotron Radiation Facilities in Japan and the World
Currently, more than 30 synchrotron radiation facilities are in operation around the world, including 8 facilities in Japan. The history of synchrotron radiation facilities began in the 1940s when synchrotron radiation was first directly observed, which is regarded as the born of the first generation of synchrotrons. In the 1970s the second generation of accelerator development began; higher energy electrons were achievable, leading to the synchrotron radiation in shorter wavelengths even X-ray regions. Also the use of a storage ring made it possible to supply stable synchrotron radiation and keep the orbital electron energy. The success of the stable radiation triggered further development and construction of synchrotron radiation accelerators and experimental equipment. The importance of the synchrotron radiation spread rapidly with the development of biotechnology and nanotechnology in the 1980s. To meet more sophisticated and diverse needs grown up since the 1990s, the construction of third-generation synchrotron radiation facilities began in rush around the world, aiming to combine high-performance storage rings and undulators for brighter synchrotron radiation. In such situation, SPring-8 was constructed to become a flagship of the 3rd synchrotron facilities..
SPring-8 and SACLA
SPring-8 developed a number of new technologies that has made significant contribution to synchrotron radiation science around the world. These technologies realized SACLA, an X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility. SPring-8/SACLA has the ability to illuminates the nano world and also provides "solutions" to unravel the nano world.