


Q1. SPring-8に関する一般的な質問

Q2. SPring-8の見学に関する質問

Q3. 放射光に関する質問

Q4. 安全性に関する質問

Q5. 電子や加速器に関する物理的な質問

Q6. 加速器や放射光発生装置に関する技術的な質問

Q7. 放射光の利用や研究成果に関する質問

Q8. SPring-8の施設に関する質問

Q9. ユーザーからよくある質問


Q1. SPring-8に関する一般的な質問


Q:SPring-8は何をする施設ですか? SPring-8では光を使って何をしているのですか? 


A:加速された高エネルギー電子ビームから発生する放射光を利用して実験・研究する施設です。利用分野と   研究例は以下のようになります。 
・生命科学・医学への利用:タンパク質などの生命物質の立体構造解析(→ 生命のメカニズムの研究、医薬品 開発など)、および屈折コントラスト映像法による生体試料の高解像 度イメージングなど 








A:SPring-8 は、線型加速器・シンクロトロン・蓄積リング・ビームラインおよびそれらの付属施設を含んだ全体の総称ですが、狭い意味では蓄積リングとビームラインだけをさすこともあります。






Q:どんな人、グループがSPring-8を利用しているのですか? 外国の利用者もありますか? 






A:毎年2回、研究課題を募集しますので、それに応募していただく必要があります。詳しくは こちらをご覧ください。 




A:実験終了後、研究成果を公開する場合は使用料は無料です。成果を公開しない場合には、1時間あたり6万円(48万円/8時間)の使用料が必要となります。詳しくは こちらをご覧ください。 




A:SPring-8(スプリング・エイトと呼んでいます)は、「スーパー(超=超高性能の)フォトン(光子=光の粒)リング(輪=円形加速器=蓄積リング)80億電子ボルト(=8ギガ電子ボルト)」を意味する英語   Super Photon ring 8GeV からつけられた愛称です。施設の正式名称は「大型放射光施設」といい、「大型放射光施設(SPring-8)」と表記します。 




























A:LHCとSPring-8は、どちらも加速器 *1を使った施設ですが、加速する粒子も、施設の利用目的も異なります。
一方、LHC(Large Hadron Collider;大型ハドロン衝突型加速器の略称)は、陽子(ハドロンの一種)を加速し、正面衝突させることによって、その時に起こる反応(現象)を調べることができる施設です。
ただし、SPring-8にも素粒子の研究を目的としたビームラインがあります。大阪大学が整備したレーザー電子光ビームラインでは、紫外線のレーザーをSPring-8の加速電子に正面衝突させて跳ね返ってくる極めてエネルギーが高く、波長の短い光(ガンマ線)を用いて、主にクオークの研究 *2を行っています。 
*1 電子や陽子など電気を帯びた粒子を電場や磁場を用いて加速・制御し、高速の(高い運動エネルギーを持った)粒子を発生する装置。
一方、LHCは、電子より約1,800倍重い陽子を7兆電子ボルト(速度は光速の99.9999991%に相当)にまで加速するため、スイスとフランスの国境を跨ぐ周長27 kmにも及ぶ地下100mに設置された巨大な装置になっています。
*2 2003年7月、米物理学会速報誌“ Physical Review Letters”に発表した「5クオークの発見」は、本ビームラインを用いた研究における特筆すべき成果です。


Q2. SPring-8の見学に関する質問











放射光普及棟に展示されたSOR RINGの写真



Q3. 放射光に関する質問
















なお、縦方向の広がりは、蓄積リングを走る電子ビームのエネルギー、偏向電磁石の磁場の強さ、および出てくる放射光のエネルギーで決まります(SPring-8の偏向電磁石の場合、28.9 keV のエネルギーのX線に対して、広がり角度は0.0036度、62.5マイクロラジアン)。 













Q4. 安全性に関する質問














Q:宇宙線は人体に影響はないのですか? 害はないのですか? 




Q5. 電子や加速器に関する物理的な質問












A:エネルギーの単位の一つ。1ボルトの電圧がかかっている電極の間を電子が移動したときの電子の運動エネルギーの増加量(=1.602×10 -19ジュール)を1電子ボルト(1eV)といいます。 


Q:どのようにして電子を加速するのですか? 電子の流れ、速度はどうやって制御しているのですか? 








































Q:真空チェンバーはなぜアルミ合金なのですか? 他の金属(ステンレス)ではいけないのですか? 



























Q7. 放射光の利用や研究成果に関する質問




SPring-8のX線を使うと今まで出来なかった重元素の分析ができるのですが、この特徴が亜砒酸 の異同識別を可能にしました。というのは、アンチモン(Sb)やビスマス(Bi)のような重元素不純物を検出する必要があったからです。 


高エネルギー非弾性散乱ビームライン BL08Wの実験ハッチの写真



Q:実用化の例はありますか? SPring-8で実生活に役立つ実用化の例は何ですか? 


劣化しない自動車排気ガス浄化触媒の働きを原子のレベルで確認することにより実用化に役立ちました(詳細については、「 SPring-8産業利用成果パンフレット」をご覧ください)。























Q8. SPring-8の施設に関する質問


Q:SPring-8の受電電圧はいくらですか? また、変電設備はどこにありますか? 














Q9. ユーザーからよくある質問




これらの期間は、SPring-8 施設の維持、法律で定められた受電設備の点検、ビーム性能の高度化を実現する加速器システムおよびビームラインの改善等のために設定しています。

Frequently Asked Questions 


Q1. General Questions about SPring-8
Q2. Questions about site tours of SPring-8
Q3. Questions about Synchrotron Radiation
Q4. Questions about Safety
Q5. Questions about the Physical Properties of Electrons and Accelerators
Q6. Questions about Technical Information Regarding Accelerators and Synchrotron Radiation Generating Devices
Q7. Questions about the SPring-8 Facilities
Q8. Questions about the SPring-8 Facilities
Q9. Frequently Asked Questions from Users


Q1. General Questions about SPring-8


Q:What type of facility is SPring-8? What types of experiments are carried out using synchrotron light at SPring-8? 


A:This facility conducts research and experiments using synchrotron radiation generated from accelerated high-energy electron beams. The variety of fields and research examples include: 

・Application for Material Science: Atoms of advanced materials/ Structure of electrons, material properties under extreme conditions, creation of new substances, and material modification. 

・Application for Life Science / Medicine: Three-dimensional structure analysis of life materials such as proteins (→ research on the mechanisms of life, pharmaceutical development, etc), high-resolution imaging of biological samples by refraction contrast imaging, etc. 

・Application for Environmental Science: Analysis of catalysts for environmental purification and analysis of contaminated trace elements in biological samples. 

・Application for Earth Science and Astronomy: Analysis of structure and state of deep earth materials and structural analysis of meteorites and cosmic dust. 

・Application for Industrial Use: Material evaluation in industry and three-dimensional structure analysis of proteins. 


Q:Who Does SPring-8 Belong To? 


A:This is a shared facility under the jurisdiction of the National Government, MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). Owned by the National Research and Development Institute, RIKEN, with management and operation lead by The Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI). 


Q:Which Facility is Called SPring-8?


A:SPring-8 is a general term for the entire device, including the linear accelerator, the synchrotron, the storage ring and the beamlines, but in a narrow sense, it is commonly only used for the storage ring and beamlines. 


Q:How Many People Work at SPring-8 and SACLA? 


A:As of October 2019, approximately 440 employees are working at SPring-8 and SACLA. In addition to that, other facilities and institutions (including NewSUBARU, Hyogo-Prefectural Synchrotron Radiation Nanotechnology Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy gency, The National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) have staff working on contract beamlines at the SPring-8 Campus. As well as staff, when all facilities are up and running, approximately 250 users conduct experiments each day. 


Q:Who are the users of the SPring-8 facility? Are there any foreign users? 


A:SPring-8 users include national, public and private universities, research institutes and companies within Japan, as well as universities and research institutes from overseas. 


Q:How do I apply to use SPring-8? 


A:Twice a year, we accept research proposals to use the facilities. For more details, please click here.


Q:How much does it cost to use SPring-8? 


A:If you publish your research results after the experiment is complete, there is no charge for the use of the facilities. If you do not disclose your results, there is a fee of 60,000 yen per hour (480,000 yen / 8 hours) for beam use. For more details, please click here. 


Q:What does the name SPring-8 mean? 


A:SPring-8 is the acronym for the Super (super = ultra-high performance) Photon (photon = light particle) Ring (ring = circular accelerator = storage ring) 8GeV (8 giga electron volts = 8 billion electron volts).The formal name of the facility is “The Large-Scale Synchrotron Radiation Facility”and it is written as“The Large-Scale Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SPring-8)”. 


Q:How Much Did it Cost to Construct SPring-8? 


A:The initial construction cost was approximately 110 billion yen, and the site was donated by the Hyogo Prefecture. 


Q:What is the annual operating budget for SPring-8 and SACLA? 


A:For the 2018 fiscal year, the budget for facility operation and maintenance of SPring-8 was approximately 8.5 billion yen, and SACLA was approximately 5.6 billion yen. The budget for promotion of use was approximately 1.4 billion yen. The budget required for promotion of use is to support user selection and user support for both SPring-8 and SACLA. 


Q:What is the operation schedule of SPring-8? 


A:SPring-8’s operating schedule consists of continuous operation in runs of 2-3 weeks, where the facilities are run 24 hours a day. Operation is stopped between cycles as well as for long-term inspection adjustment periods during the summer and winter seasons. 


Q:What is produced at SPring-8? 


A:SPring-8 is an experimental facility for analysis, and is not a manufacturer, so no production takes place at the facility. For example, structural analysis of proteins for drug development is performed at the Pharmaceutical Industry Beamline, but the drugs are not developed at SPring-8. 


Q:Does Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center use the synchrotron radiation from SPring-8? 


A:The Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center is an independent organization, and they do not use the synchrotron radiation produced by SPring-8. The Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center uses ion beams (proton beams, carbon-ion beams) to treat cancerous tumors. 


Q:Is it possible to identify a meteorite-like stone that I have? 


A:Right now, with the way SPring-8 is used, it would be exceedingly difficult to identify objects from personal collections. In the future, it may be possible if a contract analysis service becomes available.


Q:What is the difference between the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) facility that announced the discovery of the "Higgs boson" and SPring-8? Is it possible to do the same experiment with SPring-8? 


A:Both LHC and SPring-8 are accelerator*1 based facilities, but the types of particles accelerated and the purpose of the facilities are distinctly different.

SPring-8 is a synchrotron radiation facility in which synchrotron radiation (hereby referred to as“SR”)is generated by an accelerated beam of electrons being bent under the influence of magnets. SR is widely used for research and development in both academic and industrial fields due to the ability to observe, measure and analyze the structure and composition of materials at the atomic level.

On the other hand, the LHC, is a facility that accelerates protons (a type of hadron) for head-on collisions to investigate the reactions that are triggered by the collision. At The LHC, elementary particles (such as quarks, electrons, neutrinos and photons) are studied. This led to the discovery of the“Higgs Boson”,which was a huge scientific discovery.

However, SPring-8 also has beamlines to study elementary particles. The Laser Electron Photon Beam developed by Osaka University is mainly used for quark *2 research, where electrons accelerated by SPring-8 are collided with an ultraviolet laser, producing extremely high energy and short wavelength recoiled photons (gamma rays). 

Accelerator *1
A device that accelerates electrically charged particles, such as electrons and protons, using electric and magnetic fields to generate high-speed (high kinetic energy) particles. At SPring-8, electrons are capable of being accelerated to an energy of 8Gev (8 billion electron volts) which is a velocity equivalent of 99.9999998% the speed of light. The electrons are then guided to the storage ring, with a circumference of approximately 1.5 km, where synchrotron radiation is generated. The LHC, on the other hand, accelerates protons (which are about 1,800 times heavier than electrons), up to 7 trillion electron volts, which is a velocity equivalent of 99.9999991% the speed of light. The LHC has a much larger facility, with a storage ring circumference of 27km that lies 100m underground across the Swiss-French border. 

The discovery of a pentaquark, published in July 2003 in the "Physical Review Letters”, which is a collection of brief reports published in The Bulletin of the American Physical Society, is a remarkable achievement in research using this beamline. With protons and neutrons consisting of three quarks, the existence of elementary particles consisting of four or more quarks had been theoretically predicted, but this was the first experimental confirmation of such a particle existing. 


Q2. Questions about site tours of SPring-8


Q:Can I visit the storage ring? 


A:On the facility tour page, you will find information and resources about the tour. During the tour, you are able to see part of the experiment hall through a glass window, so please check the detailed page and apply with the tour application form. 


Q:When was the Public Relations Center built? 


A:The Public Relations Center opened on April 12, 2000. The SOR-RING has been exhibited in the Public Relations Center Building since March 16, 2004. 

About the SOR-RING,
The SOR-RING is the world’s first electron storage ring (Classified as a second-generation synchrotron radiation facility) dedicated to synchrotron radiation, built in 1974. It was located at the Institute for Nuclear Study (INS) at the University of Tokyo, as a research facility of the Institute for Solid State Physics in the Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SRL ISSP). It contributed greatly to the advancement of synchrotron radiation science, but was retired in 1997. During that same year, the third-generation synchrotron radiation facility (SPring-8) was constructed and began operation. 1997 can be considered the year of generational change for synchrotron radiation facilities within Japan. After that, SOR-RING was relocated to the SPring-8 facility and placed on display in the Public Relations Center. 


The SOR-RING exhibition in the Public Relations Center


Q3. Questions about synchrotron radiation


Q:What is the difference between synchrotron radiation, radiation and radioactivity? 


A:In physics, radiation refers to all electromagnetic waves and particle beams (such as X-rays, α-rays, β-rays, γ-rays, neutron beams, electron beams and ion beams). In a narrow sense, radiation refers only to ionizing radiation (direct or indirect ionization), which means radio waves, infrared rays, visible light and ultraviolet rays are not included. Synchrotron radiation is comprised of electromagnetic waves (including infrared, visible, ultraviolet and X-rays) which are generated when charged particles, such as high-energy electrons, are bent under the influence of a magnetic field. Synchrotron radiation represents electromagnetic waves generated under such principles and is distinguished from other types of radiation by it’s origins. Radioactivity means (1) the property of emitting radiation such as α-rays, β-rays and γ-rays, (2) the strength of such properties and (3) substances with such properties (radioactive materials). The term radioactivity is independent of synchrotron radiation. 


Q:What is the difference between synchrotron radiation and a laser beam?


A:Both synchrotron radiation and laser beams are brilliant, highly directional light (electromagnetic waves). Synchrotron radiation is comprised of quasi-monochromatic or white light (electromagnetic waves that contain all wavelengths), which can be tuned to a high-intensity monochromatic, single wavelength source over a wide spectrum of light from infrared rays to X-rays. A laser beam is monochromatic, coherent light with a large peak intensity that does not require the tuning that synchrotron radiation requires. However, the wavelength range is limited from infrared rays to vacuum ultraviolet, as X-rays lasers are still in the developmental stage. 


Q:What color is synchrotron radiation? 


A:Visible Light is the name given to the spectrum of light that is detectable to the human eye, and since synchrotron radiation is comprised of all wavelengths, including visible light, it is viewed as white light. Inside the X-ray beamlines there is a filter and a Beryllium vacuum window that prohibits visible light to travel through, tuning the radiation to only contain X-rays, which results in the radiation not being directly observable. However, soft X-ray beamlines and infrared beamlines do not contain any filters or windows that prohibit visible light, which allows direct observation of the visible light portion of the synchrotron radiation.


Q:What is the shape of synchrotron radiation immediately after it is emitted from a bending magnet? 


A:Synchrotron radiation that emerges from the bending magnets is emitted in a fan-like shape, which can be compared to water droplets that fall from the rim of an umbrella when opened. The horizontal spread of synchrotron radiation emitted from the bending magnets depend on the length of the electromagnets (the SPring-8 bending electromagnets have a horizontal spread angle of 4.04 degrees). The vertical spread depends on the energy of the electron beam running through the storage ring, the strength of the magnetic field of the bending magnet, and the energy of the synchrotron radiation emitted (for SPring-8, the bending magnets have a vertical spread angle of 0.0036 degrees or 62.5 microradians for X-rays with energy 28.9keV). 

ben mag

A bending magnet exhibited in the Public Relations Center


Q:Is synchrotron radiation coherent? 


A:Synchrotron radiation is comprised on white light (electromagnetic waves containing all wavelengths) or quasi-monochromatic light, but it is not coherent. 


Q:Is light a wave or a particle? 


A:Light has both wave properties (being an electromagnetic wave) and particle properties when interacting with matter. In general, when it possesses a long wavelength, the wave characteristics are more apparent, and when it possesses a short wavelength the particle characteristics are more apparent. 


Q4. Questions of Safety


Q:Does synchrotron radiation affect human health similarly to ionizing radiation? 


A:Synchrotron radiation is radiation* (including infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet light and X-rays) generated in a specific way. Excessive exposure can cause the same effects as other radiation (burns by infrared rays, vision impairment by visible light, skin injuries by ultraviolet and X-rays).
Radiation includes all electromagnetic waves and ion beams, but in a more narrow sense, radiation only refers to ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, α-rays, β-rays, γ-rays, neutron beams, electron beams, ion beams and cosmic rays. 


Q:Is radiation controlled at SPring-8? 


A:The handling of radiation is strictly regulated by the law. SPring-8 has a dedicated radiation management team located in the Safety Management Office, that manages radiation safety to ensure it remains well below the limit of the laws and health standards. 


Q:Does the high magnetic field affect human health? 


A:Strong electrostatic magnetic fields can cause issues for people who wear cardiac pacemakers and surgical clips and High alternating magnetic fields may cause burns and other injuries, however there are few concerning effects of magnetic fields on human health. 


Q:Do cosmic rays affect human health? Are they hazardous to human health? 


A:The earth is protected from cosmic rays by a geomagnetic field, which has a shielding capacity equivalent to a 10m thick wall of water. The intensity of cosmic rays that reach the surface are weak enough to have no effect on human health. Since the first single-celled organisms, organisms on Earth have evolved with constant exposure to weak cosmic rays. If any organisms could not withstand the weak radiation, they would not have survived the course of evolution. When you exit the Earth’s atmosphere, the strength of cosmic rays becomes much stronger. Crews on a space shuttle are exposed to more than one year of surface level cosmic radiation in one day. 


Q5. Questions about the Physical Properties of Electrons and Accelerators


Q:What is an electron? 


A:An electron is one of the fundamental particles that make up atoms. They are negatively charged particles than orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Before the liquid crystal televisions was popular, it was electrons that ran through the brown television tube to bring the image to the screen. Additionally, an electric current is generated when electrons travel through metal. 


Q:What color is an electron? 


A:The color of a substance (that does not emit light itself) is defined by the wavelength of visible light that is reflected off the object or absorbed. Electrons are extremely small in size, meaning it is physically impossible to view an electron with visible light. Therefore, the color of an electron is not defined. However, when an electron strikes a substance such as a florescent plate, we can see the light emitted (although this is not the light that electrons emit, but the light that the fluorescent material emits). 


Q:What is an electron volt? 


A:An electron volt is a unit of energy. One electron volt (= 1.602 x 10 -19 joules) is defined by the energy gained by one electron when the electric potential increases by one volt. 


Q:How are electrons accelerated? How are the velocity of an electron and an electron beam controlled? 


A:Thermal electron emission is when an electron is liberated due to a material having it’s temperature raised inside a vacuum. It is accelerated using an electrostatic field or a high-frequency electric field, and the trajectory is changed using a magnetic field, focusing it like a lens. 


Q:What is microwave (short wavelength) radiation? 


A:Microwaves (ultrahigh frequency) are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength between 1 millimeter and 1 meter. Microwaves are grouped into categories in order from shortest wavelength to longest; the submillimeter waves and millimeter waves (EHF), centimeter waves (SHF) and decimeter waves (UHF). Microwaves at home generate microwaves with wavelengths of approximately 10 centimeters. These waves cause water molecules within food to vibrate, heating the food with friction. 


Q:What is the electron beam traveling around the Storage Ring used for? 


A:Synchrotron radiation is emitted when electrons circulating the storage ring have their trajectory changed under the influence of magnets. Therefore, the storage ring is integral for the creation of synchrotron radiation. 


Q:What is at the end for the electrons traveling around the Storage Ring? 


A:Electrons lose their kinetic energy by emitting synchrotron radiation. When the accelerator is shut off, the orbital radius of the electron beam decreases until the beam collides with the vacuum chamber wall or a metal plate called a dampener. When an electron collides with a substance, it loses its kinetic energy as heat. 


Q:Why is the cross section of the electron path in the vacuum chamber elliptical? 


A:The shape of the cross-section of the electron beam varies from place to place, but most commonly it’s elliptical. The cross-section of the vacuum chamber that the electrons travel in is also elliptical to be the same as the electron beam. 

 vac cha
 An example of the vacuum chamber is on exhibit in the Public Relations Center.


Q:How was the Circumference of the Storage Ring Determined?


A:The radius of curvature of an electron beam depends on the electron energy and the angle of deflection. The higher the energy of the electron, the shorter the wavelength of the synchrotron radiation, but the higher energy of the electron requires a longer storage ring. In addition, the larger the circumference, the narrower the electron beam can be squeezed, resulting in more brilliant synchrotron radiation. Therefore, in order to obtain greater brilliance and higher energy synchrotron radiation, a larger circumference is required, but the circumference is also determined by the construction budget. 


Q:What is the frequency of electron injection?(former SPring-8) 


A:The frequency of electron injection depends on the operation conditions, but with SPring-8 it is generally once a day (once every 24 hours) or twice a day (once every 12 hours). The electrons per shot is approximately 100 electrons per second. To keep the energy in the storage ring constant, the electron beam is injected once or three times every one or five minutes, and the top-up operation has been used since 2004. 


Q6. Questions about Technical Information Regarding Accelerators and Synchrotron Radiation Generating Devices


Q:What is the electron emitter of the electron gun made of?(former SPring-8) 


A:SPring-8 uses Barium impregnated Tungsten. 

Q:What material is used to construct the vacuum chamber that is the passageway for the electron beam, and how is the chamber made? 


A:The vacuum chamber is made of an aluminum alloy with some stainless steel components, and it is manufactured by the extrusion method. 


Q:Why is the vacuum chamber made of aluminum alloy? Is it possible to use other kinds of metal, for instance, stainless steel? 


A:The choice of aluminum alloy came for several reasons:(a) they are nonmagnetic metals, (b) they have good vacuum characteristics (high degree of vacuum), (c) they have good radiation properties (if aluminum alloys are radioactivated, radio-isotopes are seldomly generated), and (d) they are suitable as materials for vacuum chambers because they are cost-effective and have good processing characteristics. On the other hand, stainless steel can also be used in the construction of vacuum chambers, but it is difficult to process by extrusion method, which increases the cost of construction. 


Q:Is all the technology used at SPring-8 domestic? 


A:Most accelerators are produced domestically. 


Q:What is the magnetic flux density generated by the magnet used in the undulator? 


A:The magnetic flux density on the surface of the magnet is a maximum of 14,000 Gauss, but drops to several thousand where the electron beam passes. The magnetic flux density varies for different undulators and magnet gaps. The most powerful household magnet is found in magnetic jewelry. The magnetic flux density of these magnetic clasps are between 800 to 1,800 Gauss, which is approximately 1/10th the flux density of an undulator magnet. Refrigerator magnet clips are often much weaker. 


 Q:What components are the undulator magnets made of? 


A:The undulator magnet is an anisotropic sintered magnet made mainly of neodymium, iron and boron, which are the components that make the world’s current strongest permanent magnet. Not only is the magnetic force strong, but the magnetic properties do not degrade when exposed to high temperatures. SPring-8 uses many in-vacuum undulators (undulators that are inserted into a vacuum chamber in which electrons travel). In general, the gas released from objects placed in a vacuum lowers the degree of vacuum, so in order to achieve ultra-high vacuum, it is necessary to release the gas at a high temperature in advance. In conventional magnets, it is difficult to create an in-vacuum undulator because the magnetic properties decrease when the temperature is increased, but this was corrected with neodymium-iron-boron magnets. This type of magnet was developed in Japan, and there are many Japanese names in the history of discovery of powerful magnets. Japan is the forefront of magnet research in the world and of course, SPring-8 continues to strive to study and research the phenomena related to magnetism (the properties of materials as magnets). 



Q:Is the excitation current of the bending magnet alternating (AC) or direct (DC)?  

A:Since the energy of the electron beam in the storage ring is constant, the current flowing through the bending magnet is direct current (DC). This creates a magnetic field of 7,000 Gauss at 1,200 amps of direct current. 


Q:What types of failures occur and how often do they happen? 


A:A total of 4,941 hours of accumulated storage ring operation time was planned for the 2016 fiscal year, with 4,152 hours being user operation time. The total amount of downtime that users could not use the devices due to equipment failure was 23 hours, and the actual usage time was 4,125 hours. Therefore, downtime for the user operation time was less than 0.6%, and overall stable operation was performed. In addition to equipment failures such as discharges in high-power frequency equipment and leakages of cooling hoses for electromagnets, the downtime of 0.6% was due to environmental disasters such as earthquakes and lightning. 


Q7. Questions about the application and research of Synchrotron Radiation


Q:During the Wakayama Curry-Poisoning Case, how was the Arsenic Analyzed at the beamline? 


A:The first measurement was commissioned by The Wakayama District Public Prosecutors Office at the High Energy Inelastic Scattering Beamline BL08W. The second measurement requested by the Wakayama District Court was made using the BL08W beamline and the Magnetic Material Beamline (Then known as the Physicochemical Analysis Beamline) BL39XU. Both measurements were performed using X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (XRF) using synchrotron radiation. When a substance is irradiated with X-rays, it itself also emits X-rays, which can be analyzed and measured to determine the characteristics and quality of the elements comprising the substance. Moreover, it is a feature of this method that trace elements can be detected. In the case of the Wakayama Curry-Poisoning Incident, the arsenic acid was identified by comparing the quantities of impure elements. This method also allows you to identify the origins of the materials. SPring-8’s X-rays can be used to analyze heavy elements that could not be identified in the past, which aided in the identification of the arsenic acid. SPring-8’s technology detected the heavy element impurities such as arsenic (As) and bismuth (Bi). 

 The Experiment Hatch at the High Energy Inelastic Scattering Beamline BL08W

Q:Are there any examples of practical application in SPring-8's research results? What are some examples of practical application to actual life? 


A:SPring-8 is an experimental facility that looks at materials at the atomic and molecular level, which is useful for a range of research and has many practical applications that are used in actual life. For example, SPring-8 identified the cause of the decay of charge characteristics of lithium batteries, and thus contributed to longer life for these batteries. Another example is that direct observation of the interatomic distance of optical semiconductor devices has enhanced the oscillation efficiency and improved the production yield. Another successful result of the research that has been conducted at SPring-8 was the discovery of a vehicle exhaust purification catalyst that does not deteriorate at the atomic level (for details, please refer to the “Successful Results of Industrial Applications at SPring-8”website). In the future, structural analysis of proteins is expected to lead to the development of new pharmaceutical products. 


Q:How is SPring-8 used for archaeological research? 


A:SPring-8 has been analyzing ancient artifacts including pottery, ceramics, Buddhist statues, ironware, bronze mirrors, and other artifacts using a method called X-ray Fluorescence Analysis, or XRF. When substances are irradiated with X-rays (XRF), element-specific X-rays are generated by the substance, allowing for measurement (of energy and wavelength) and quantity analysis that leads to information about the elements contained within the substance. This method allows the object (sample) to be analyzed directly without destroying it or treating it chemically, which is useful for valuable artifacts. By determining the proportion of trace elements contained within these ancient relics, it is possible to estimate the origin and transportation route for these samples. It is also used to estimate the manufacturing method for these objects. Such research also plays a role in introducing scientific research methods for cultural studies within Japan. 


Q:What is the size of a protein crystal sample used in structural analysis? 


A:The X-ray beam at SPring-8 is very narrow and very bright, therefore having the ability the measure very small samples. As for protein samples, crystals of 50 to 100 microns are generally used. The research has been pushed to perform analysis on a crystal of 3 microns as an extreme. 




Intercellular polyhedrosis crystals (size of 3μm) high-resolution synthesis by the Target Protein Beamline (RIKEN beamline) BL32XU.

Experimental Equipment for Protein Single Crystal Structure Analysis, Structural Biology I (Public Beamline) BL41XU.

Q:Is SPring-8 involved in the Human Genome Project? 


A:Although RIKEN is involved with the Human Genome Project (a project to determine the base sequence of human genes), SPring-8 has no direct participation. However, SPring-8 is involved in the Structural Genome Project (a project to investigate the three-dimensional structure of proteins encoded within genes). Currently, there are three public beamlines for protein structural analysis, and the Structural Genome Project uses 30% of the experimentation time for these beamlines. RIKEN also has two beamlines dedicated to structural genome analysis. Researchers across the country use these beamlines to perform measurements 24 hours a day. 


Q:Is a protein crystal destroyed while it is exposed to X-rays to analyze the protein structure? 


A:Structural analysis of proteins begins with the production of protein crystals. The crystals are then irradiated with X-rays and structural analysis is performed using a phenomenon called X-ray diffraction. Protein crystals are not hard crystals like diamonds or salts, instead they contain a large number of water molecules and are soft like tofu. When irradiated with X-rays, water molecules become ionized, and the ions react with the surrounding water molecules to produce hydroxyl radicals. This hydroxyl radical breaks protein bindings. Therefore, as X-rays continue to irradiate the protein, the crystals break down little by little (to radiation damage). However, since protein crystals contain billions of individual proteins, it takes a long time for the radiation damage to affect the data measured. Within this time, the X-ray diffraction data is collected. In other words, structural analysis of proteins is completed by the destruction of the crystals. To allow for enough time for data collection, it is necessary to delay the destruction of the crystals. To accomplish this, the crystals are frozen using nitrogen gas before the experiment begins. 


Q8. Questions about the SPring-8 facilities


Q:What is SPring-8's receiving voltage? Where are the substation facilities? 


A:There is a special high-voltage switch station in front of the main gate of SPring-8, where two lines receive 77,000 volts of power from the Kansai Electric Power Co. From the special high-voltage switch station, power is delivered to the first substation (for the storage ring), then to the second substation (for the beam injection, the linear accelerator and the synchrotron), then the third (for the accelerator and beamline R&D facility, structural biology experimental facility, the New SUBARU, and the X-ray Free Electron Laser SACLA), where the voltage is transformed from 77,000 volts to 6,600 volts. The power is then supplied to each demand location. The actual power used is transformed from 6,600 volts to 400 volts (for power sources), 200 volts (for lighting) and 100 volts (for electrical outlets). 

 3rd hv tra
 The third special high-voltage substation.

Q:How Large is the SPring-8 Site? 


A:SPring-8 covers 141 hectares of land (1,410,000 square meters). This is approximately 36 times larger than the Koshien stadium, 30 times larger than the Tokyo Dome Stadium, and 2.8 times larger than the Tokyo Disneyland theme park. 

 Aerial Photograph

Q9. Frequently Asked Questions from Users


Q:Why is SPring-8 shut down for a long time in summer? 


A:SPring-8 has an inspection and maintenance period of 1.5 - 2 months at the end of summer and winter, and 1 month at the end of the fiscal year. These periods are dedicated to maintenance of all SPring-8 facilities, the inspection of electricity-receiving equipment stipulated by law, and improvement of the accelerator systems and beamlines to advance performance. The main reason for setting a longer inspection period in the summer is to refrain from operation as much as possible from July to September, when the cost of electricity is higher.