SPring-8 Operation Budget |
SPring-8 Operation Statistics |
Manpower of RIKEN and JASRI at SPring-8 |
Categories of Proposals for SPring-8 Public Beamlines |
Numbers of Submitted and Approved Proposals at SPring-8 Public Beamlines |
Number of Conducted Proposals at SPring-8 Public and Contract Beamlines |
Number of Conducted Proposals Categorized by Project Leader’s Affiliations / Research Areas at SPring-8 Public |
Number of Conducted Proposals Categorized by Project Leader’s Affiliations / Research Areas at SPring-8 Contract Beamlines |
Number of the User Visits at SPring-8 Public and Contract Beamlines |
Number of User Visits Categorized by Affiliations at SPring-8 Public Beamlines / Contract Beamlines |
Number of Unique Users at SPring-8 Public and Contract Beamlines |
Number of Refereed Publications at SPring-8 |
Number of Refereed Publications Categorized by Beamlines at SPring-8 |