


 SPring-8ビームライン  SACLA  クライオ電子顕微鏡


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SDGs Initiatives


sdgs book


The RIKEN Synchrotron Radiation Science Center is continuing research and development to make SPring-8 and SACLA more sustainable. To date, we have reduced the amount of electricity used by converting the light fixtures to LEDs in the SPring-8 experimental halls and other areas, as well as change the incident 1GeV linear accelarator + 8GeV booster systems to become directly incident from the SACLA linear accelarator. Furthermore, studies are underway to further promote sustainability in the future. For example, by reducing the stored electron energy of SPring-8 from 8GeV to 6GeV, it is possible to further reduce the power consumption. When the energy is lowered, the special distribution of the emitted X-rays change, but by reducing the magnetic field period of the undulator, it is possible to obtain the same spectral distribution as 8GeV as 6GeV. In addtion, by changing electromagnets in the storage ring to permanent magnet, it is possible to further reduce the power consumption by reducing the amount of heat generated by the magnet, therefore  reducing the load on cooling water, and the load on aired conditioning. On the other hand, it is expected that by changing the acceleratos lattice during the shift of 6GeV, the light source will become about 100times brighter tan the current output. We call this new light source SPring-8-II. By using this new technology, contributions to the SDGs will increase dramatically from the currenct situation. We ask for your cotinued support of SPring-8 and SACLA, not only for SDGs, but also in creating a foundation for advancing science and technology that contribute to the sustainable development of humankind.


SPring-8's activities supporting the SDGs


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