Automatic crystal detection program |
Recording molecular movies |
Improving the durability of stainless steel |
Visualizing the internal structures of nano-sized metal particles |
Super-tough materials for ceramics |
Improving the mechanical reliability of ceramics |
Fabrication of a new type of functional glass |
Mechanisms of innovative superconductors |
Data storage for a massively growing data |
・超伝導になる電子をとらえる |
・電流も磁石も使わない磁気スイッチングへ |
Magnetic field control without electric current |
Achieving the long-held dream of "superconductivity at room temperature" |
Unraveling the complex phenomena in many-body systems |
・シリコン結晶の表面に酸素原子が反応する様子 |
Atomic level examinations of electronics materials P25-2 LEDs with higher efficiency |
LED's with higher efficiency |
Fundamental research of extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) |
Improvement of fluorite lens performance |
Materials mapping with element selectivity |
Materials that have zero thermal-expansion ability |
X-rays with a resolution close to the theoretical limit |
Mechanism for light-induced insulator-to-metal transition |
New nano-particle science |
Hair care for healthy hair |
Recovery of hair root collapse due to aging |
Exploring the origin and spread of iron weapons |
Developing fuel-efficient engines for eco-friendly vehicles |
Using hydrogen to reduce global warming |
Storage hydrogen like noble metals |
・貴金属元素に代わる普遍元素を用いて高活性・高選択的新型触媒へ |
Development of catalysts |
Examining the interiors of large batteries |
A key to investigate the interfaces in fuel cells |
Suppressing the diminishing of fuel cell performance |
Synthesis of innovative hydrides |
Mechanism-based process designing by manufacturing science |