SPring-8・SACLA グリーンファシリティ宣言
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SPring-8/SACLA Green Facility
The large radiation facility “SPring-8” and the X-ray free electron laser facility “SACLA” will strongly support the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and industry, government, and academia research and design aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. At the same time, efforts will be made to further save energy at the facilities themselves. We look forward to your continued use and support.

The large radiation facility “SPring-8” and the X-ray free electron laser facility “SACLA” provide industry, government, and academia users with the world’s highest performance synchrotron radiation, which is used to view on the nanometer scale (nm, 1nm is one billionth of a meter). The observation and control of the nano region leads to important research and design elements in the green field that contribute to carbon neutrality, and great achievements have been made into the development of storage batteries, fuel cells, catalysts and more.
Therefore, in order to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and carbon neutrality by 2050, the world’s highest performance synchrotron radiation, possessed by both facilities, will be used in each field indicated in the Green Growth Strategy to further support industry, government and academia users to develop new fields that contribute to green innovation.
SPring-8 and SACLA have implemented research projects related to all 14 areas outlined in the Green Growth Strategy. We declare that both facilities will become green facilities in the hope that more people aiming for green innovation use these facilities as a means of solving these problems.
Expectations for the Future:
Carbon neutrality by 2050 is a challenging goal that requires industry, government and academia to all work together. We have started the movement with the green facility declaration, and we look forward to the arrival of many likeminded allies that will follow.
For specific future initiatives, we are planning to hold research meetings and support the usage contributing to green innovation. Through these activities, we will work with our allies to promote innovation towards carbon neutrality by 2050.