More efficient data processing for protein crystallography |
Development of an innovative protein crystallization method |
Structure of heliorhodospin, a new photosensitive protein |
Development of new genome-editing technologies |
Visualization of enzymatic reactions |
Platform for innovative allosteric catalysts and selective molecule sensors |
Intestinal environment health |
Determining how cells can transport nutrients across cell membranes |
Elucidation of specific diseases |
Intracellular molecular accumulation |
Automatic crystal detection program |
Recording molecular movies |
Catalytic mechanisms of artificial enzymes |
Unattended and automated data collection for protein crystallography(MX) |
De nova structure analysis of proteins using short-wavelength XFEL |
Molecular mechanisms of proteins |
Energy production mechanisms of mammals |
Und Understanding the structure-function relationships of enzymes |
Development of new hypotensive drugs |
Critical clues for discovering g new pharmaceutical drugs |
Application of XFEL for drug discovery |
Toward the drug discovery from social amoeba |
New radiotherapy technology |
Investigating the causes of Parkinson's disease |
A photo-induced release system using hollow crystal capsules |
Diagnostics by imaging |
Using new nanoparticles to deliver drugs to affected areas |
Imaging live cells |
Increasing efficiency in photosynthesis |
Reduction of exposure dose during diagnosis |
New functional materials for artificial muscles |
Biological rhythm and dynamics |
Making an accurate diagnosis by capturing slight changes in a body |
Architecture of proteins involved in nitrogen fixation in symbiotic plants |
Impacts of diabetes on the glomeruli |
Capture the molecular aggregation process |
Understanding the mechanisms of radiation damage |
Hydrogen storage using aluminum-based materials |
Preventing aluminum degradation |
Development of a tungsten recycling process |
Improving the durability of stainless steel |
Visualizing the internal structures of nano-sized metal particles |
Development of materials for building more resilient infrastructure |
Design for structural materials with lightness and hardness |
Development of surface-controlled steel with high corrosion resistance |
Reducing CO2 emissions by decreasing automobile body weight |
Developing stronger and more durable aluminum materials |
Nano-alloy design with new functions |
Higher quality and performance for steel |
Improving the properties and capabilities of steel |
Observing electron orbitals |
Observing the atomic and molecular dynamics at a rate of 1/10,000,000sec. |
Drastic changes in amorphous polymers |
Super-tough materials for ceramics |
Unique properties of spider draglines |
New material made of tough polymers for the bodies of electric vehicles |
Improving the mechanical reliability of ceramics |
Discovering the source of strength and durability of bagworm silk |
Fabrication of a new type of functional glass |
Production of innovative glass materials |
Tougher silk materials with synthetic peptides |
Controlling durability and flexibility at the molecular level |
Toward effective use of light element materials |
A world record for high-speed 3D imaging |
New nanotubes with periodic vacancy defects |
Development of tires with greater fuel efficiency |
Method for fabricating a regenerated-silk-fiber that is superior to native silk |
Foundation for X-ray optical physics in the 22nd century |
More eco-friendly cars and higher efficiency wind-power generators |
Mechanisms of innovative superconductors |
High-performance memory using spintronics materials |
Development of spintronics solid-state devices |
storage for a massively growing data |
Making stronger magnets with new uses |
Development guidelines for advanced magnetic devices |
Discovering magnetism under high pressure |
A glass-farming charge liquid |
Power-saving telecommunications technology using magnetization |
New principle for energy-saving information technology |
Magnetic memory devices with ultra low-power consumption |
Innovative Superconducting State |
Discovering new physical phenomena in insulators |
Topological materials for developing ultra-low power consumption devices |
・超伝導になる電子をとらえる |
Unveiling the mechanisms of high-temperature superconductors |
Domain wall driven by a magneto-electric effect |
Controlling magnetic memory with electric fields |
Development of new electronic devices |
Adjusting magnetic states through structural electronic engineering |
Magnetic field control without electric current |
Discovering copper magnetism for new types of magnetic devices |
Ion dynamics in a water solution |
Observing electron clouds inside solids |
Achieving the long-held dream of "superconductivity at room temperature" |
・隕石に由来する高機能磁性材料の人工作製 |
Unraveling the complex phenomena in many-body systems |
Power devices for efficient energy use |
・シリコン結晶の表面に酸素原子が反応する様子 |
Atomic level examinations of electronics materials |
Nanometer-sized molecular bearings rotating around a single axis |
LED's with higher efficiency |
Higher efficiency power generated material by vibration |
Higher-performance LED devices |
Light-controllable object transportation system |
Fundamental research of extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) |
Improvement of fluorite lens performance |
Intense XFEL can change materials into extreme states |
High performance and low power consumption information devices |
New peep prevention filter |
Highly-durable luminescent materials |
High-performance nitride semiconductors for photovoltaics |
Developing an ultra-precise nuclear clock |
Materials mapping with element selectivity |
Highly efficient thermoelectric materials |
Materials that have zero thermal-expansion ability |
Red phosphor for white LEDs |
Lead-free piezoelectric materials |
Investigation of physical properties using photoelectrons |
Higher performance organic transistors |
X-rays with a resolution close to the theoretical limit |
More brilliant XFEL |
Ultimate focusing of an X-ray laser beam |
A two-dimensional ellipsoidal mirror with nanometer precision |
Ultimate focusing of an X-ray laser beam |
New approach for developing functional materials |
Mechanism for light-induced insulator-to-metal transition |
Fabrication of lead perovskites and the discovery of charge ordering |
New nano-particle science |
Exploring new phenomena |
New optical and electronic materials |
Elucidating the electronic states in innovative hybrid materials |
Devices for next-generation optical computing |
A mirror for the world's smallest X-ray focused beam |
Visualizing materials that are invisible to electron microscopes |
Observing details beyond the limits of wavelengths |
New understanding of molecular self-assemblies |
More efficient shrimp aquaculture |
Waste treatment with less pollution |
Recovery of hair root collapse due to aging |
Enhancement of sweeteners |
Radical enzymes for industrial use |
Evolution of rice plants by cultivation Pl 33-2 Delicious "tenobe somen" noodles |
Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) - a third-generation 3.0 GeV synchrotron light source |
Exploring the origin and spread of iron weapons |
Highly sensitive detection and discrimination of volatile molecules |
Eco-friendly diatoms |
Thin film storing gas |
Developing fuel-efficient engines for eco-friendly vehicles |
Highly sensitive detection of endocrine-disturbing chemicals in the sea |
Development of a sustainable catalyst |
・希少元素のリサイクルへ |
Exhaust gas purification that does not require precious metals |
New cooling technology using solid refrigerants |
Damage-free analysis of catalysts |
Using hydrogen to reduce global warming |
Understanding how hydrogen is stored in materials |
Storage of hazardous waste |
Lithium-ion battery development using machine learning and mathematics |
Nanosheets: innovative solar cell materials |
More durable lithium-ion batteries |
Making batteries that are all-solid-state |
Storage hydrogen like noble metals |
・貴金属元素に代わる普遍元素を用いて高活性・高選択的新型触媒へ |
Using a huge current over a short period |
・固体酸化物燃料電池(SOFC)の熱耐久性の改善へ |
Revealing the secrets of photosynthesis |
Electron motion in photocatalysts |
High-performance lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) |
Next-generation fuel cell electrode catalysts |
Improving the performance of storage batteries |
Development of catalysts |
Basis for plant gene modification and artificial photosynthesis |
Information for the design of artificial enzymes |
Revealing the secrets of water |
Moving toward a "hydrogen society" |
Dramatic improvements in solar utilization efficiency |
Examining the interiors of large batteries |
High-performance storage batteries |
Understanding the mechanisms of batteries |
New techniques for diagnosing batteries |
・塗って作れる太陽電池で変換効率10%を達成 |
Electrochemical phenomena in fuel cells under operating conditions |
Visualizing the interior of an operating battery |
Electrochemical phenomena in fuel cells under operating conditions |
Producing organic compounds from CO2 and H20 using sunlight energy |
A key to investigate the interfaces in fuel cells |
Long-life and high-quality fuel cells for the future |
Suppressing the diminishing of fuel cell performance |
Clarifying catalytic reaction mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cells |
Ultrafast oscillation of molecules |
High durability fuel cell electrodes |
Microfabrication using an X-ray vortex |
Creation of new functional materials |
High-activity catalysts under mild reaction conditions |
Understanding and designing functional materials |
Design for more compact automobile parts to reduce energy consumption |
・レーザー溶接中の内部の様子 |
Improving the eco-friendliness of electric vehicles |
Deeper understanding of laser processing of light materials |
Highly active catalysts |
Inspect nanometer defects in materials |
Development of innovative catalysts |
Mechanism-based process designing by manufacturing science |
Design of material destruction |
Developing high-performance furnaces that are X-ray-transparent |
Origin of the ltokawa asteroid |
Exploring the universe with gamma rays |
Approaching the source for the mass of objects |
Exploring the mysteries of cosmic particle accelerators |
Dynamics of volcanic eruptions |
Discovery of abundant Mn-microparticles from deep-sea oxic sediments |
A new exotic particle, "Pentaquark" |
Possible e presence of noble iron hydride in Earth's interior |
Investigation of electronic properties of the Earth's inner core environment |
Searching for hidden elementary particles |
Verifying important theories of physics |